About Us

Superstardle is a new take on professional sports engagement covering in-depth trivia and exploratory visualizations.

We created Superstardle knowing that sports fans, journalists, and atheletes enjoy engaging with their favorite teams and players in ways beyond the box score.

Our Playbook

  • Stats are for everyone

    Statistics dominate the world of sports. They offer a gauge into player characteristics, personality, and performance. But making those numbers into a story takes thought, care, and precision.

    Stats should be made available in a way that makes it accessible, easy, and fun without having to wear a "stat junkie" cap on your head.

  • Sports are part of life

    Sports happen in conjunction with our life events, oftentimes mimicing our daily life as fans alongside athletes: joy, disappointment, expectation, and growth.

    Reliving and capturing those moments should be about the "thanks for reminding me" and not the "let me go find it".

  • Athletes are art

    Sports are hard. For all the radio, podcast, and journalism noise, athletes are, at their core, performers that create their own art in the stat table.

    We can appreciate our athletes through their characteristics, style, and longevity. It helps us relate to athletes in ways that ground us as fans and journalists.

Our Design

Our design caters to the sports universe. Click on a planet or mascot for a closer look!

Designs credited to Meg, view her design work!

Our Kudos

Like much, if not all, organizations, much of our platform relies on the open-source community. Special thanks to (amongst many others):

Airbnb Visx



Sign up for our mailing list or visit us on x.com (formerly twitter) @superstardle

If you like our work, and want to help us keep the lights on to run the platform, you can sponsor an espresso for us!

Have ideas? Experience good, ok, bad? Let us know at mike [at] superstardle.com or

Take our questionnaire

created and maintained by @webmcioffi